Plot: This series also gem Television Belgrade has 4 episodes and consists of two parts. The first part of the series follows the events related to the residence of Josip Broz Tito in occupied Belgrade in the summer of 1941 and his move to the liberated territory, in September of the same year. The second...
Plot: During the Nazi occupation, Serb quisling government is running a concentration camp called Banjica. Jews, captured Partisans and resistance sympathizers are held there until they are transported to death camps or shot. A young girl, arrested for listening to allied radio-stations, must endure the hell...
Plot: This movie describes the life and times of Svetozar Markovic, 19th century political writer from Serbia, who was one of the first to adopt Socialist ideology in that country. This movie describes the life and times of Svetozar Markovic, 19th century political writer from Serbia, who was one of the first...
Plot: In March 1941 former Yugoslav government joined Axis powers by signing the Tripple Pact. The people on the street, as well as some generals, were outraged. This docudrama depicts the dramatic events that led to Nazi invasion. In March 1941 former Yugoslav government joined Axis powers by signing the...
Plot: Vuk KaradžiÄ, is а Yugoslavian historical drama television series which depicts the life and work of Vuk StefanoviÄ KaradžiÄ, a Serbian linguist and reformer of the Serbian language. Wikipedia