Plot: Living for the Day After Tomorrow is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by J-ta Yamada. The manga was serialized in Mag Garden's magazine Comic Blade Masamune between March 3, 2005 and June 15, 2007; five bound volumes were released in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Otome YÅkai Zakuro is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Lily Hoshino. It began serialization in November 2006 in the monthly seinen manga magazine Comic Birz. The first tankÅbon volume was released by Gentosha in January 2008; as of March 2015, ten volumes have been...
Plot: Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko is a Japanese anime series based on a novel by Takashi ShÅji. It consists of two 3-episode OVA sets and a 26-episode television series animated by J.C.Staff and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo. The series was released in the United States by The Right Stuf International...
Plot: Shigofumi: Letters from the Departed, titled Shigofumi: Stories of Last Letter in Japan, or simply Shigofumi, is a Japanese anime television series created by TomorÅ Yuzawa and produced by Bandai Visual ... Wikipedia
Plot: Yomigaeru Sora â Rescue Wings is a Japanese anime television series animated by J.C.Staff which aired on TV Tokyo from January to March 2006. The main character is 2nd Lieutenant Uchida Kazuhiro, a helicopter pilot in a search and rescue wing of the Japan Air Self Defense Force. Wikipedia...
Plot: Starship Operators is a Japanese light novel series written by Ryo Mizuno. Six volumes were published by MediaWorks between 2001 and 2005. An anime television series adaptation animated by J.C.Staff aired on TV Tokyo from January to March 2005. Starship Operators is licensed in North America by Geneon...
Plot: Ellcia is an anime OVA directed by Noriyasu Kogawa and animated by J.C.Staff. It was released in 1992, and consists of four 50-minute episodes. ADV Films released it to home video in America. Wikipedia
Plot: PaRappa the Rapper is a 2001 Japanese anime television series based on NanaOn-Sha's PaRappa the Rapper video game series created by Masaya Matsuura and Rodney Greenblat. The series was produced by J.C.Staff and aired in Japan on Fuji TV between April 2001 and January 2002, running for thirty episodes...
Plot: Metal Fighter Miku is a Japanese anime television series created by Hiroyuki Birukawa and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo. It was originally broadcast on TV Tokyo from July to September 1994 and animated by J.C.Staff, the studio's first television production. Wikipedia