Plot: A high school student with powerful psychic abilities tries to live an ordinary life by keeping his true nature a secret from his many quirky classmates and anyone else he comes across.
Plot: Adapted from the "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game series and re-edited for a younger audience, this Japanese anime follows the adventures of Sonic and his friends after an explosion transfers them to the human world. There, Sonic is rescued by a 12-year-old boy named Chris, and together they must stop...
Plot: Bakugan began emerging from the earth's crust in a mysterious worldwide phenomenon called "awakening." Dan and his friends are at the center of this new era, where they learn that they have to look further than just fame in the post-Bakugan world. They use their knowledge to learn to work with their...
Plot: Jonathan Joestar, nicknamed JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune. To do this, Dio uses the power of an ancient stone mask, which allows him to become a powerful vampire. The hybrid anime series takes pieces from...
Plot: More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite w...
Plot: Neon Genesis Evangelion is a Japanese media franchise created by Hideaki Anno and owned by Khara. Most of the franchise features an apocalyptic mecha action story, which revolves around the efforts by ... Wikipedia
Plot: More than two years have passed since the most recent adventures in the Hidden Leaf Village, ample time for ninja wannabe Naruto Uzumaki to have developed skills worthy of recognition and respect. The hyperactive youngster has trained extensively with Jiraiya-sama and returned to Konoha to reunite...
Plot: A shy high-school student named Yugi Moto receives the fragmented pieces of an Egyptian artifact, known as the Millennium Puzzle, from his grandfather. When Yugi reassembles the puzzle he is possessed by the 3,000-year-old spirit of an ancient pharaoh. Yugi and his friends Joey, Tea and Hondo protect...
Plot: This anime series is set in a futuristic world following the conclusion of a massive war. During this time, many villages are terrorized by Nobuseri bandits, former samurai who integrated their living cells with machines during the war to become dangerous weapons that now appear to be more machine than...
Plot: Break-dancing but fierce warrior Mugen has to deal with the cold-blooded and conceited Jin, a samurai who believes he is above all. These sworn enemies are brought together by Fuu for a special task.
Plot: The Holy Empire of Britannia conquered the country known as Japan and now call it Area 11. Its residents lost their rights to self-govern and are now called Elevens. The Empire uses powerfully destructive robotic weapons called Knightmares to ensure control, but someone is about to stand up against...
Plot: When the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku sends the young samurai Jack into a dystopian future, he must find a portal back to his own time to undo Aku's destruction and defeat him.
Plot: Hunter × Hunter is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. It has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 1998, although the manga has frequently gone on extended hiatuses since 2006. As of October 2018, 380 chapters have been collected into 36 volumes by Shueisha...
Plot: A high school student embarks on a quest for heroes when a mysterious woman brings video game characters into the real world. Using them as pawns, the women sets out to fulfil her sinister plan.
Plot: A 17-year-old boy from the last surviving city on Earth holds the key to stopping an alien invasion: a giant fighting machine that obeys his commands.
Plot: Full Metal Panic! is a series of light novels written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Shiki Douji. The series follows Sousuke Sagara, a member of the covert anti-terrorist private military organization known as Mithril, tasked with protecting Kaname Chidori, a hot-headed Japanese high school girl....
Plot: Trigun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow. The manga was serialized in Tokuma Shoten's Shōnen Captain in 1995 with three collected volumes when the magazine was discontinued in 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Yu Yu Hakusho is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi. The series tells the story of Yusuke Urameshi, a teenage delinquent who is struck and killed by a car while attempting to save a child's life. Wikipedia
Plot: Ichigo Kurosaki never asked for the ability to see ghosts -- he was born with the gift. When his family is attacked by a Hollow -- a malevolent lost soul -- Ichigo becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.