Plot: Jul i Skomakergata is a Norwegian TV-show for children, produced in 1979. It is a televised advent calendar, meaning it is broadcast from December 1 to December 24. It has been broadcast several times in Norway by NRK. The story revolves around shoe repairer Jens Petrus Andersen, played by Henki Kolstad...
Plot: Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po frolic and play in the idyllic Teletubbyland, while a baby's face in a sun coos and laughs. The Teletubbies have televisions in their stomachs on which they watch real children. A large, pinwheel-shaped windmill begins a "magical event" during episodes.
Plot: A Christmas calendar about a girl named Jenteungen and a boy named Storm she is a rødnisse and he is a blånisse they live different lives in the mountain and on a farm called Tuftegåren.
Plot: Pat has his work cut out for him as he attempts to deliver a zip-wire to the top of the hill. With a long and rocky path ahead and a heavy load in the truck, will he be able to complete the delivery?
Plot: To solve problems and get things done with a positive attitude, Bob the Builder and pals dig, haul and build together! With friends like Muck the dump truck and Dizzy the cement mixer, Bob and his business partner Wendy live in an imaginative world full of new experiences.