Plot: A Christmas calendar about a girl named Jenteungen and a boy named Storm she is a rødnisse and he is a blånisse they live different lives in the mountain and on a farm called Tuftegåren.
Plot: Jul i Skomakergata is a Norwegian TV-show for children, produced in 1979. It is a televised advent calendar, meaning it is broadcast from December 1 to December 24. It has been broadcast several times in Norway by NRK. The story revolves around shoe repairer Jens Petrus Andersen, played by Henki Kolstad...
Plot: The Julekalender is a Norwegian Christmas season television series produced by and starring Travellin' Strawberrys in collaboration with Saks Film and Entertainment and TV 2, 1994. Around 400,000 viewers followed the series in December 1994, and it has since been broadcast anew in 1996, 2003, 2008...
Plot: A crazy and strange story about a ferry crew in western Norway and three Cubans in a wreck. While the ferry crew is fighting to avoid that the ferry M/F "Svelå" should be closed down, the Cubans who live in a shipwreck on the seabed are desperately trying to get in touch with the crew. Amid all this...
Plot: Jul i Tøyengata is a Norwegian televised advent calendar created by the Norwegian comedian Zahid Ali. The show is a parody on another Norwegian advent calendar Jul i Skomakergata from 1979, one of the most successful Norwegian TV series. Wikipedia
Plot: Pagten is a Danish television series in the form of an Advent Calendar that was shown over the Christmas period in 2009. It was written by Maya Ilsøe. Wikipedia
Plot: Nissene på låven is a Nordic Christmas calendar that aired on TVNorge in 2001, and is a spoof of reality TV. A sequel, Nissene over skog og hei, aired in 2011. Wikipedia
Plot: The girl Cecilie is interested in Absalons secret because there is an angel that can save her sick sister. It is located in Magasin Du Nord in Copenhagen, Denmark.