Plot: Cameras capture the reality of females in law enforcement with unprecedented access to the inner workings of the sheriff's office in Broward County, Fla. The docudrama follows the lives of four women as they balance the needs of their families with a career that is intensely demanding and often dangerous...
Plot: TLC builds on the success of its `Police Women' franchise with a candid look inside the Broward County (Fla.) Sheriff's Office elite man-tracking K-9 unit. Each half-hour episode follows Deputy Jerry Wengert, his loyal canine Bali, and their partner, Detective Geoff Brown, as they work together in...
Plot: Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia, "Southern Justice" documents -- in a cinema verite fashion -- the work of law enforcement agencies in Sullivan County, Tenn., and Ashe County, N.C. With a combined population of fewer than 200,000, both small counties have their local charm, but they also...
Plot: Harlan County, Ky., has a history of violence and corruption associated with coal mining, but because that industry in Appalachia is a shell of its former self, law enforcement is dedicating its resources elsewhere. The county has been hit hard by a new kind of crime -- prescription drug dealing --...
Plot: Horrific and salacious cases rock Southern California's wealthy coastal community; from a murder-for-hire gone wrong to families turning on their own, viewers hear the harrowing tales of when privilege leads to problems and greed leads to murder.
Plot: Television cameras follow real-life law enforcement officers and capture the action as they perform their daily duty to serve and protect the public.
Plot: Hong Kong version of the hit game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. A Hong Kong version of the popular quiz show. Contestants start off with easy questions, but as they move forward the questions get more and more challenging. To help them out, they are given "lifelines" that let them either eliminate...