Plot: Cameras capture the reality of females in law enforcement with unprecedented access to the inner workings of the sheriff's office in Broward County, Fla. The docudrama follows the lives of four women as they balance the needs of their families with a career that is intensely demanding and often dangerous...
Plot: Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Appalachia, "Southern Justice" documents -- in a cinema verite fashion -- the work of law enforcement agencies in Sullivan County, Tenn., and Ashe County, N.C. With a combined population of fewer than 200,000, both small counties have their local charm, but they also...
Plot: Sgt. Sean `Sticks' Larkin of the Tulsa Police Department Gang Unit brings viewers a complete look into law enforcement officers' POVs during some of their craziest chases, standoffs and interactions.
Plot: Television cameras follow real-life law enforcement officers and capture the action as they perform their daily duty to serve and protect the public.
Plot: Attempting to eliminate rival gangs, drugs and corruption at their facilities, chief jailers are enlisting members of the public to help. Building on the tremendous success of previous undercover operations in Clark County, Indiana, and Atlanta, `60 Days In' continues in Pinal County, Arizona, as law...
Plot: Chronically shorthanded police departments across the state must turn to officers from the Lower 48 to fight a soaring crime rate; newbies learn that, like everything else, policing is different in Alaska.
Plot: A woman sentenced to prison for a murder she didn't commit flees from police and an assassin and, together with her husband, seeks to bring the true criminal to justice.