Plot: Kejora dan Bintang is an Indonesian TV serial that was aired on RCTI. It was produced video productions house public distributor company network by SinemArt directed by Erlanda Gunawan. Wikipedia
Plot: Jakarta Love Story is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that airs daily on RCTI. The cast includes Irish Bella, Rezky Aditya, Rionaldo Stockhorst, Mischa Chandrawinata, Michella Putri, Nasya Marcella, Keth Agustine, Christian Sugiono, Kenang Mirdad & Meistika Senichaksana...
Plot: Cinta 7 Susun is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that aired daily on RCTI at 18:00pm. This is an autobiography that tells of the journey formation personnel 7icons because of where they lived in the Flats which will soon be evicted, through their stories in the form...
Plot: Aisyah Putri The Series: Jilbab In Love is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that airs daily on RCTI. The cast includes Anna Gilbert, Miller Khan, Aliff Alli, Henindar Amroe, and Lucky Perdana. The story is a loose adaptation of the book Asma Nadia. Wikipedia