Plot: Dewa is an Indonesian soap opera television series which aired on RCTI from October 3, 2011 to February 10, 2012. The series was written by Serena Luna and directed by Desiana Larasati, stars Naysila Mirdad, Dude Harlino, Baim Wong and others. Wikipedia
Plot: Yusra dan Yumna is an Indonesian soap opera that aired on RCTI Monday-Friday at 19:00 pm. This soap opera produced by SinemArt, and stars such as: Nikita Willy, Putri Titian, Rezky Aditya, Nadya Almira, ... Wikipedia
Plot: Circumstances force twin sisters to live very different lives. Pashmina and Aisha (both played by Aura Kasih) are twins who are living in an orphanage. They become separated when a wealthy family adopts Pashmina and takes her abroad to help treat her hereditary heart disease. Aisha is devastated to...
Plot: Putri yang Ditukar is an Indonesian television serial. It is the third long-running drama with 676 episodes after Cinta Fitri with 1002 episodes. It was formerly the second long-running drama until Tukang Bubur Naik Haji The Series broke the record with 2185 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Cinta 7 Susun is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that aired daily on RCTI at 18:00pm. This is an autobiography that tells of the journey formation personnel 7icons because of where they lived in the Flats which will soon be evicted, through their stories in the form...
Plot: Aisyah Putri The Series: Jilbab In Love is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that airs daily on RCTI. The cast includes Anna Gilbert, Miller Khan, Aliff Alli, Henindar Amroe, and Lucky Perdana. The story is a loose adaptation of the book Asma Nadia. Wikipedia
Plot: Bastian Steel Bukan Cowok Biasa is an Indonesian soap opera musical comedy drama produced by SinemArt that airs daily on RCTI. The story is a loose adaptation of the Harry Potter story. Wikipedia
Plot: Kutunggu Kau Dipasar Minggu The Series is a soap opera that aired on RCTI in daily at 17:00-18:00 WIB, 18:00-19:00 WITA, and 19:00-20:00 WIT. This soap opera produced by SinemArt. Players such as Nikita Willy, Giorgino Abraham, Winona Willy, Cut Meyriska, Cinta Laura, and much more. Wikipedia