Plot: The Russ Abbot Show is a British television sketch comedy series which stars Russ Abbot and ran for 16 years on television before moving over to Radio 2 for a further five years. Wikipedia
Plot: The Laughter Show was a BBC comedy sketch show, which featured Dustin Gee and Les Dennis, from 1984 to 1986 and then just featuring Dennis until 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Featuring the pigeon who needs a satnav and the clever canines who have learned to read. Plus, Stephen takes to the streets of Bolton to see how much members of the public really know about the animal kingdom - can they beat the animals at their own games?
Plot: Adrian Dunbar hosts a programme from the BBC Radio Ulster Archives. With his dry wit and personal anecdotes he chooses a mixture of musical styles.
Plot: This lunchtime chat show features a rotating panel comprised of women from the entertainment and journalism worlds. They discuss issues from a female perspective - from politics and current affairs to the latest gossip - and meet the celebrities and faces behind the headlines.