Plot: The Russ Abbot Show is a British television sketch comedy series which stars Russ Abbot and ran for 16 years on television before moving over to Radio 2 for a further five years. Wikipedia
Plot: Des O'Connor Tonight is a British variety chat show hosted by comedian and singer Des O'Connor. It was originally broadcast on the BBC from 1977 until 1982, when it moved to ITV from 1 November 1983 until 3 September 1999. Specials were broadcast until 24 December 2002 when it was axed after nearly...
Plot: Comedians Billy Crystal and Josh Gad star in this comedy series that mimics their real-life roles. A comedy legend (Crystal) is reluctantly paired with an edgy, up-and-coming comedian (Gad) on a late-night sketch comedy show. "The Comedians" offers a behind-the-scenes look at "The Billy & Josh Show...
Plot: A gala evening held annually in the United Kingdom, which is attended by senior members of the British Royal Family, who are entertained by celebrity performers.