Plot: Lasermannen is a Swedish mini series based on real events produced by SVT Drama, based on the bestselling book Lasermannen â en berättelse om Sverige by Gellert Tamas, which is based on the Lasermannen events. It is known as one of the Swedish movie-industry's most well-made and...
Plot: In a time of historical upheaval in Europe during the late 18th century, a former doctor becomes a police commissioner investigating crimes as well as the system in which he finds himself while experiencing a forbidden romantic attraction.
Plot: Based on the award winning triology 'The Fall of the Wellfare State', a series about a newly put-together police force that tries to solve the old mystery of the murder on Swedish minister of state Olof Palme in 1986.
Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: A Swedish series about a modest law firm in a rural town with lawyer Johan and his receptionist Annika at the center. Johan is a newly graduated stickler and Annika a single mom with vast human understanding. Despite their differences, the two take on the small cases in the town and discover unforeseen...
Plot: In this show we get to know four friends. All of them struggling to keep their daily-life together. And one day a week they meet to keep abreast of each others lives.