Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: Swedish detective Kurt Wallander investigates a series of murders in the south of the country, near Skane, uncovering corruption at the heart of the Swedish establishment. The drama is adapted from the novels by Henning Mankell.
Plot: Tusenbröder is a drama TV-series on Swedish Television in three seasons, from 2002, 2003 and 2006. The third installment of the series first opened on the big screen, March 10, 2006, edited together as one film, before later being shown on TV as a longer series. Wikipedia
Plot: `Thicker Than Water' is a Swedish drama series following the lives of the Waldemar family. Siblings Oskar, Lasse and Jonna are reunited when their mother Anna-Lisa invites them to the family's guest house before the season's opening. But when Anna-Lisa suddenly passes away, it turns out that she had...
Plot: `30 Degrees in February' is a drama from award-winning writer Anders Weidemann. The story follows the lives of a group of people who have emigrated from Sweden to Thailand in the middle of winter. Leaving behind both the cold and their previous lives in Scandinavia, they embrace the possibilities that...
Plot: Cleo is a Swedish drama/comedy TV series in two seasons, each consisting of nine episodes. The series was broadcast on SVT, the first season in 2002 and the second in 2003. Directed by Svante Kettner and screenplay by Michael Hjorth, Tomas Tivemark and Johan Kindblom. Wikipedia
Plot: Inspired by actual events, this two-part film by BREAKING BAD director Johan Rench explores one of the world's largest credit card frauds, a global scam from the dark underworld of Gothenburg that ended up in the hands of the FBI.
Plot: Skärgårdsdoktorn is a Swedish television series produced by SVT Drama. The series ran from 1997 to 2000 and a total of 18 episodes were produced. Wikipedia
Plot: In a time of historical upheaval in Europe during the late 18th century, a former doctor becomes a police commissioner investigating crimes as well as the system in which he finds himself while experiencing a forbidden romantic attraction.
Plot: A Swedish former criminal flees to Thailand to escape those he's testified against. When his daughter turns up, his peaceful new life is thrown into turmoil. They must come to terms with their complicated relationship.