Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: Blended families are becoming more common as people increasingly get divorced and remarried. This Swedish drama explores the complexities of relationships when two families come together as one. When Lisa and Patrik, who both have children with their exes, get married difficulties arise with everyone...
Plot: Hem till byn, written by Bengt Bratt, is Sweden's longest-running TV series and one of its most popular. It is a realistic drama about people in a rural Swedish village and their daily life and romances and fights but also the consequences of agricultural policy and other changes in the society. Wikipedia...
Plot: After losing both her job and her husband, Vera decides to leave the city for a new position and a new life in the town of Ãngelby, then becomes involved in a murder investigation with several unusual undertones.
Plot: Based on the award winning triology 'The Fall of the Wellfare State', a series about a newly put-together police force that tries to solve the old mystery of the murder on Swedish minister of state Olof Palme in 1986.
Plot: Lasermannen is a Swedish mini series based on real events produced by SVT Drama, based on the bestselling book Lasermannen â en berättelse om Sverige by Gellert Tamas, which is based on the Lasermannen events. It is known as one of the Swedish movie-industry's most well-made and...
Plot: Starke man is a 2010 Swedish comedy series broadcast on SVT. The series focuses on local politics in Svinarp, a fictitious small municipality in the south of Sweden, which the press has branded the second-most boring municipality of Scania in the pilot episode. Wikipedia
Plot: Inspired by actual events, this two-part film by BREAKING BAD director Johan Rench explores one of the world's largest credit card frauds, a global scam from the dark underworld of Gothenburg that ended up in the hands of the FBI.