Plot: Black Rubber Shoes is a Korean animated television show for children. The stories take place in the city of Seoul in the sixties/seventies of the 20th century. The title refers to black gomusin, shoes made of rubber which children frequently had to wear because they were cheap and lasted for long times...
Plot: Hikari Sentai Maskman is Toei's eleventh entry of the Super Sentai metaseries. It aired on TV Asahi from February 28, 1987 to February 20, 1988, with a total of 51 episodes. Its international English title as listed by Toei is simply Maskman. Wikipedia
Plot: Princess Pring is a Korean Media franchise created in 2012 by Korean toy company Loco Entertainment. The franchise features the titular character Princess Pring, a Rabbit Girl who cheers up children during their birthdays, sometimes helping them with their problems in the most fun of ways. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ghost Messenger is a South Korean animated series made by STUDIO ANIMAL. First released in 2010, it revolves around a series of events that happen as Little Kanglim, a human boy with extraordinary spiritual power, accidentally encounters ghost messenger Kanglim. Wikipedia
Plot: It's 2067, and a group of young flying aces compete in the Aeronautical Racing Circuit, hoping to win fans and first place. Their lives off the "track," though, are a different story -- working as the Metasquadron, they fight evil, primarily in the form of General Raven and his Black Cloud organization...
Plot: A young boy is able to create whatever he wants by painting it with his magical brush. One day, a fairy comes and whisks him away to a magical school.
Plot: Mix Master is a South KoreaΓ’Japan co-produced anime series based on the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Mix Master: King of Cards. It is a co-production of Nippon Animation Japan and Sunwoo Entertainment and KBS of Korea. Wikipedia