Plot: Girls' Generation's Horror Movie Factory, commonly abbreviated to "H.M.F", is an MBC variety TV show starring the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The members undergo various acting lessons and tests. The show started out with horror settings, but after a few episodes became more bright and...
Plot: Siblings find a cloud hung on a tree, which they give to their mother, who bakes it into bread; the cloud-shaped bread allows the children who eat it to fly.
Plot: Rising politicans, Kim Soo Young and Noh Min Young, love each other as much as they love their jobs on opposing sides of the political scene. They are forced to hide their relationship in the midst of sensational headlines and controversy.
Plot: A group of superheros with supersenses works to save the day when villainy threatens in the whimsical world of Toobalooba. Each hero has a supersense that can be used with the others' senses to foil trouble. Noonbory and his team also teach children how to use their special skills and talents in combination...
Plot: Black Rubber Shoes is a Korean animated television show for children. The stories take place in the city of Seoul in the sixties/seventies of the 20th century. The title refers to black gomusin, shoes made of rubber which children frequently had to wear because they were cheap and lasted for long times...
Plot: Ghost Messenger is a South Korean animated series made by STUDIO ANIMAL. First released in 2010, it revolves around a series of events that happen as Little Kanglim, a human boy with extraordinary spiritual power, accidentally encounters ghost messenger Kanglim. Wikipedia
Plot: Girls' Generation's Factory Girl is a 2008 reality television show starring South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show revolves around the members of the group working as intern editors at Elle Girl Korea. The concept of the show was inspired by the 2006 Hollywood movie The Devil Wears Prada...
Plot: Girls' Generation's Himnaera Him!, is a South Korean television reality show starring the South Korean girl group Girls' Generation. The show and cast operated under the goal of being the Republic of Korea's cheering squad, with the intention of cheering up the citizens during an economic slump. Wikipedia...
Plot: Animal YokochÅ is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ryo Maekawa and serialized in Ribon Magazine, Ribon Original and Ribon Bikkuri. Wikipedia
Plot: Olympus Guardian is a South Korean animated television series based on "The Greek and Roman Myths in Comics" published by Gana Publishing Co., a publishing company specializing in comics. Wikipedia
Plot: Mix Master is a South KoreaâJapan co-produced anime series based on the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Mix Master: King of Cards. It is a co-production of Nippon Animation Japan and Sunwoo Entertainment and KBS of Korea. Wikipedia
Plot: Spheres is a South Korean animated television series. It is a product of the major broadcaster Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation, and the animation was done by Studio Kaab, which would later animate the series Nalong. Wikipedia
Plot: Children defend humanity from alien war machines called Robotex with the help of three Robotex defectors who question their ruler's malicious ways. They must do what they can to save the world.