Plot: Emmy Award-winning executive producers Tom Hanks, Gary Goetzman and Mark Herzog bring "The Movies" to CNN in new six-part series that explores American cinema through the decades and the cultural, societal and political shifts that framed its evolution. Combining archival footage and interviews with...
Plot: Jay Sherman is a New York film critic who has to review films he doesn't like for a living. Jay Sherman is an overweight and somewhat snobbish New York TV movie critic who is forced to review the most pathetic films to which is he always says, "It stinks." In addition to the film parodies, the show...
Plot: The Cinema Snob is an American comedy webseries created, edited, written, and starring American actor and filmmaker Brad Jones. It started in 2007 on YouTube before copyright claims caused Jones to move the series to its own personal site,, in August 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: At the Movies is an American movie review television program that aired from 1982 to 1990. It was produced by Tribune Entertainment and was created by Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert after leaving their show Sneak Previews, which ran on PBS from 1975 to 1982. Wikipedia
Plot: In this awkwardly titled series that truTV calls a comedy-centric documentary anthology, previously untold TV tales behind comedy icons -- films, clubs, and performers -- receive the light of day. Related directly by the people who were on the inside, the truth comes out about, for example, the inspiration...
Plot: This entrant in the crowded entertainment news-show genre features a trio of hosts -- Ross Mathews, Garcelle Beauvais and Tanner Thomason -- who discuss the latest trending topics from Hollywood and pop culture. All the usual suspects -- including celebrity interviews and red-carpet movie premieres...
Plot: This educational/informational weekly series showcases how and why movies are made, including behind-the-scenes filmmaking and special effects techniques, in addition to introducing teenagers to career opportunities within the motion picture industry.
Plot: In partnership with The Hollywood Reporter, SundanceTV presents round-table discussions with the stars, showrunners and producers of the year's most acclaimed shows and movies. Each hour-long episode features nominees in specific award's categories, with the season's first half presenting leading Emmy...
Plot: Renowned film critic Leonard Maltin, known for his annual "Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide" books, hosts this series in which he reviews the latest films to be released in theaters as well as on DVD, Blu-ray, video on demand and pay-per-view services. In addition to recent releases, in each episode Maltin...
Plot: Countdown is a British game show involving word and number tasks. It is broadcast on Channel 4 and presented by Nick Hewer, assisted by Rachel Riley, with regular lexicographer Susie Dent. It was the first programme to be aired on Channel 4 and 81 series have been broadcast since its debut on 2 November...