Plot: Political satirist Stephen Colbert takes on cable-news pundits in this show, which centers around his essential rightness about the issues of the day. Colbert portrays a caricature of conservative political pundits often seen on TV. The show is known for coming up with new words that enter the lexicon...
Plot: Fans who know and love Larry Wilmore as the "Senior Black Correspondent" on "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" are treated to the award-winning writer/comic hosting his own series. Sliding nicely into the coveted post-"Daily Show" time slot, "The Nightly Show" features Wilmore's humorous spin on news...
Plot: Before his hugely popular program on Comedy Central came along, Jon Stewart cut his teeth in the talk show realm with this late-night offering, which followed the genre's same basic formula -- an opening monologue, and then interviews with celebrities and local personalities. It was unique, however...
Plot: Night of Too Many Stars is a fundraising telethon for autism. It has been held every two or three years since 2003. The event was founded by Robert Smigel after learning that his son was diagnosed with autism. Comedian Jon Stewart often hosts the show. Wikipedia
Plot: George Carlin: 40 Years of Comedy is comedian George Carlin's tenth HBO special. It was broadcast live from the Wheeler Theater in Aspen, Colorado, as part of the US Comedy Arts Festival. Unlike Carlin's other stand-up specials, this contains only 27 minutes of stand-up performance. Wikipedia
Plot: Where's Elvis This Week? was a short-lived, half-hour, weekly comedy television program hosted by Jon Stewart that aired on Sunday nights in the United Kingdom on BBC Two. Wikipedia
Plot: Jon Stewart is an American comedian, writer, producer, director, political commentator, actor, and television host. He hosted The Daily Show, a satirical news program on Comedy Central, from 1999 to 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Short Attention Span Theater is an American clip show in which the hosts presented short segments of stand-up comedy acts and scenes from films airing on HBO and Cinemax. It aired from 1989 until 1994. SAST premiered on the Comedy Channel in November 1989; it was one of the channel's initial programs...
Plot: A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! is a Grammy Award-winning Christmas special that debuted on Comedy Central on November 23, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Cerebral comic Demetri Martin ("The Daily Show With Jon Stewart") offers his stream-of-consciousness perspective on a different topic each week, ranging from subjects such as apples to what happens after we die.
Plot: Hey now! This series offers a behind-the-scenes look at late-night talk show host Larry Sanders (Garry Shandling) and the production of his show. Rip Torn plays the show's producer, Artie, and Jeffrey Tambor is Sanders' sidekick, Hank. Many episodes features a celebrity playing him or herself .