Plot: Shirato Osamu (Chiba Yudai), who is into his second year as a jobless university graduate, is very soft-hearted and timid. He is ignored by girls who treat him just like air. However, his life undergoes a sudden change when he meets his childhood friend Kurosaki Hitoshi (Hongo Kanata) again. Shirato...
Plot: Yorosen! was a late-night daily Japanese edutainment TV program featuring Hello! Project members as teacher and students. It aired on TV Tokyo from October 6, 2008, until March 27, 2009, on weekdays, with a running time of about 7 minutes. This show was a replacement for the show "Berikyū". Wikipedia...
Plot: GakkÅ ja Oshierarenai! is a Japanese television drama series concerning the life of ten high school students. It stars Kyoko Fukada as their teacher. It first aired on July 15, 2008. Wikipedia
Plot: Ginny Miller, an angsty fifteen-year-old, often feels more mature than her thirty-year-old mother, the irresistible and dynamic Georgia Miller. Tokura Takashi is a talented and somewhat arrogant surgeon who is recruited to work for a private hospital run by the secretive Izumida family. Through an odd...
Plot: Tomoe, 17, is an average high-school girl, interested in clothes and guys, but her family life is not so average. Losing her mother at a young age, she lives alone with her father, Shouhei and does all the cooking, laundry, housekeeping, like a mother would do. They have a hard time making ends meet...