Plot: Yorosen! was a late-night daily Japanese edutainment TV program featuring Hello! Project members as teacher and students. It aired on TV Tokyo from October 6, 2008, until March 27, 2009, on weekdays, with a running time of about 7 minutes. This show was a replacement for the show "Berikyū". Wikipedia...
Plot: Hotelier is a 2001 South Korean television drama series set in Seoul Hotel, a fictional five-star hotel undergoing an expensive expansion and renovation. The word "hotelier" means "a person who owns or runs a hotel." Wikipedia
Plot: Star TanjÅ! is a Japanese talent show from Nippon Television that ran from 1971 to 1983. On October 24, 1982, the series was retitled Shin Star TanjÅ! lit. A New Star Is Born! to reflect its switch from monaural to stereo broadcasting. On April 3, 1983, it was again retitled to Star...
Plot: Makoto is a promising oarsman at a University regatta team. One day, he loses his best friend by a tragic accident which he believes and blames himself for the very cause. Although he once leaves the team out of tremendous sense of responsibility, he finally decides to return by the encouragement of...
Plot: Dare Yorimo Mama o Ai su is a Japanese TV drama with 11 episodes aired from July 2, 2006 to September 10, 2006 on TBS channel, and tells the story of the members of an unusual family with a stay-at-home father and a working mother. Kazutoyo Kamon is a Stay-at-home dad. His wife Chiyo is a lawyer. Wikipedia...
Plot: Yama Onna Kabe Onna is a Japanese manga by Atsuko Takakura serialized in the seinen manga magazine Evening, published by Kodansha. A Japanese television drama adaptation aired on Fuji Television channels. The manga did not sell well until the television series began. Wikipedia
Plot: SÅ«gaku Joshi Gakuen is a Japanese television drama series. It ran for 12 episodes. The cast primarily consists of Hello! Project members. Wikipedia
Plot: K-tai Investigator 7 is a 2008 Japanese television drama which aired from April 2, 2008 to March 18, 2009. It was a joint collaboration between WIZ and Production I.G. One of the episodes was directed by Takashi Miike. it is described as a science fiction tokusatsu action drama. Wikipedia