Plot: The serial in thirteen parts about the life and time of judge A.K. tells an up-to-date, realistic and internally dramatic story of a young man struggling his way through the maze of civil law disputes typical of the present-day society. He has to try and understand each of the parties, and pronounce...
Plot: The Land Gone Wild is a television serial composed of forty-five episodes in four series shot in 1997, 2001, 2008 and 2012, based on Jirí Stránský's novels Zdivocelá zeme (The Land Gone Wild) and Aukce (Auction). Combining the retrospective with the adventure genres, it covers the period from the...
Plot: F. L. VÄk was a Czechoslovak television programme which was first broadcast in 1971, based on Alois Jirásek's book of the same name. The programme was directed by FrantiÅ¡ek Filip. Wikipedia
Plot: The Devil's Ruse is a Czech crime movie. The movie was shot in A Benedictine monastery of Saint Václav in Broumov, the Church of Saint Margaret in Podlažice and City Museum, Chrast by Chrudim. Wikipedia
Plot: A story of a family living in Prague, Czechoslovakia in the period between World Wars,in Czech better known as "The First Republic". A lost son returns from the war to investigate the events that led to his abrupt departure 8 years ago.
Plot: The story of a group of thirty-somethings who are too old for juvenile games and seemingly too young to enter the adult world.After her divorce, Bára Dusková must work and take care of her kids alone. Ten-year-old Ondrás has little affection for P.E. or, for that matter, any other activity involving...
Plot: PÅÃpady 1. oddÄlenà is a Czech crime television series. The series is based on real criminal cases investigated by Czech Police. People involved in screenwrighting of the series include Jan Malinda and Josef MareÅ¡. The series was selected the best Czech crime television series...
Plot: A retro-series about recent Czech and Slovak history told via the microcosm of a single Czech family. A mosaic of three generations blending nostalgia with the bitter reality of the socialist regime.