Plot: PÅÃstav is a Czech television programme which was first broadcast in 2015. In the Czech language pÅÃstav means port. The programme was written by various writers and directed by Jana Rezková, JaromÃr Polisenský and Ján Novák. The series was nominated as Best Television...
Plot: Kriminálka AndÄl is a Czech crime drama television series which premiered on TV Nova in 2008. This TV series is a remake of the Slovak crime series Mesto TieÅov. Wikipedia
Plot: The serial in thirteen parts about the life and time of judge A.K. tells an up-to-date, realistic and internally dramatic story of a young man struggling his way through the maze of civil law disputes typical of the present-day society. He has to try and understand each of the parties, and pronounce...
Plot: A wild 12 year old girl who has been with her grandparents decides against their advice to seek out her father, a bouncer with a temper who is just getting out of prison.