Plot: The son of a wealthy hotelier who must become a bellboy to reclaim his inheritance. The comedy follows the life of a grand hotel where internal wars, romantic relationships and a total lack of professionalism often put the welfare of hotel guests on the back burner. The son of a wealthy hotelier who...
Plot: A special victims unit of NYPD detectives solve cases based on real crimes. At the same time, they try not to let the dark side of investigation affect their personal lives.
Plot: Set in the same universe as `Doctor Foster', and by the hands of the same creator Bartlett, `Life' follows the lives and woes of the residents of a Manchester house divided into four different flats. Gemma Foster's neighbour, Emma, portrayed by `The Crown's Victoria Hamilton, now goes by the name of...
Plot: Inspired by a real-life political scandal, "Suburra: Blood on Rome" features a fight over development land in a coastal town near Rome. The church, political figures, members of organized crime, local gangs and real estate developers all collide in the battle, with the lines between the legal and the...
Plot: French politician Philippe Rickwaert thirsts for revenge against his political enemies. Philippe's political career is in shambles after he is sacrificed by the presidential candidate from the Left, Francis Laugier.
Plot: Academy-Award winner Dustin Lance Black executive produces this miniseries chronicling the real-life personal and political struggles, setbacks, and triumphs of diverse LGBT activists who played integral roles in pioneering their leg of the U.S. civil rights movement from its infancy. The story focuses...
Plot: Brenda Johnson, an Atlanta police detective, moves to Los Angeles and heads up a squad that handles sensitive, high-profile homicides. Although she clashes with some colleagues, her skills as a CIA-trained interrogator prove invaluable in obtaining confessions.
Plot: This crime-drama follows a group of Paris police officers who live at the edge of the law, often using violence and intimidation to get the job done. The officers' lives change when their squad leader, who had been falsely accused of corruption, commits suicide. When they start an investigation in order...
Plot: NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes. Like its predecessor, the original `Law & Order', its storylines are often based on real-life headlines, and it features a cadre of quirky cops whose mission it is to find the criminals and make them pay.
Plot: Old-school police detective Pierre Niemans and his best former student, Camille Delaunay, solve complex murders cases that involve an unusual brutality far beyond the capacity of local police departments to understand.
Plot: In the city of Baltimore, Detective James McNulty and his team investigate crimes and try their best to solve the bridge that exists between the drug kingpins and the law enforcement agencies.
Plot: DS Steve Arnott is transferred to the anti-corruption unit after he refuses to participate in a cover-up that involves an innocent man getting shot in a police encounter.
Plot: "Cardinal" is based on the novels of crime writer Giles Blunt and focuses on detective John Cardinal and his partner, Lise Delorme. The two detectives investigate crime in the city of Algonquin Bay, such ones can include the murder of a young girl. Cardinal works to right past wrongs that could threaten...
Plot: John Luther, a passionate detective, ends up befriending a psychopath and murderer, whom he could not arrest due to lack of evidence, and they solve various cases together.
Plot: By day, the Duncan's are an upstanding family who run a car dealership. By night, they live a dangerous secret life. When they come under siege the Duncan's will have to stick together, or die.