Plot: British folklore is littered with tales of ghouls and ghosts, perhaps the most famous being stories of headless horsemen riding through courtyards. In `Great British Ghosts', Michaela Strachan travels across the UK to explore and bring to life the history behind some of the most haunted locations in...
Plot: Skeptical professor Phillip Goodman embarks on a trip to the terrifying after being given a file with details of three unexplained cases of apparitions.
Plot: The producers of Destination America's popular "Paranormal Survivor" bring together North America's leading ghost hunters and mediums to recount their most riveting supernatural experiences. Each episode of "Haunted Case Files" features a story from three different paranormal investigation groups,...
Plot: Those quirky international psychics Alison Wynne-Ryder and Jackie Dennison lend a spiritual hand to homeowners and businesses with some ghastly, ghoulish problems. They're like modern-age ghostbusters but with a little more attitude and the real juice. The two connect with spirits to explain their...
Plot: Called "The Ultimate Paranormal Experience," this series breaks ground by allowing viewers to tag along with the Tennessee Wraith Chasers during paranormal investigations. The TWC team -- Chris Smith, Steven "Doogie" McDougal, Scott Porter, Brannon Smith and Mike Goncalves -- heads to a different lo...
Plot: The Unexplained is an American paranormal television series that originally aired from January 2, 1996 to May 7, 2000 on A&E and is currently being broadcast on the Biography Channel. The program features various mysteries, paranormal, psychic phenomena, and other topics that are considered to be "...