Plot: `Paranormal Lockdown' brings together seasoned ghost hunters Nick Groff and Katrina Weidman for round-the-clock, multiday investigations that have never been conducted before on a paranormal TV series. For 72 hours straight, the hosts live with the dead in some of America's most haunted places, from...
Plot: Created by the frontman of `Ghost Adventures', Zak Bagans, `Help! My House is Haunted' brings together an international team of paranormal investigators to help out families who believe their houses are haunted. The families each present evidence of ghostly activity in their homes to investigators...
Plot: Paranormal investigators set out to film ghost sightings, but as their supernatural experiences grow more frequent, they begin to uncover a conspiracy that could bring about Armageddon for the entire human race.
Plot: A Ghost Story for Christmas is a strand of annual British short television films originally broadcast on BBC One between 1971 and 1978, and revived in 2005 on BBC Four. With one exception, the original instalments were directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark and the films were all shot on 16 mm colour film...
Plot: Haunted Lives: True Ghost Stories was an American paranormal anthology television miniseries that originally broadcast from May 15, 1991 to November 28, 1995, on CBS and UPN. Wikipedia
Plot: Costumed patients create a challenge for the doctors; Derek and Ben work on a new surgical technique; Richard asks a resident to perform his next surgery, angering Bailey.
Plot: Yvette Fielding and paranormal experts from the show "Most Haunted" conduct live investigations in some of the most haunted locations in Britain and the United Kingdom. Each two-hour episode follows the crew as members look for explanations behind paranormal phenomena.
Plot: The Unexplained is an American paranormal television series that originally aired from January 2, 1996 to May 7, 2000 on A&E and is currently being broadcast on the Biography Channel. The program features various mysteries, paranormal, psychic phenomena, and other topics that are considered to be "...
Plot: Featured on the Destination America series "Ghost Asylum," the Tennessee Wraith Chasers take their specter-hunting skills on the road to investigate America's most haunted towns. The team -- founder Chris Smith, co-founder Steven McDougal, historian Scott Porter, and trap inventor Brannon Smith --...
Plot: Dan Jones presents a documentary series which explores the history of Britain's greatest castles. Each episode takes a look at a different castle located in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. Jones gives an insightful account of the structures' past, from construction to the residents and...
Plot: This reality series, which comes from the producers of "The Purge" and "Lore," provides viewers with a chilling glimpse into first-person accounts of supernatural events. People who have witnessed horrifying, peculiar or extraordinary events tell their tales, which include how the unexplained phenomena...
Plot: Skeptical professor Phillip Goodman embarks on a trip to the terrifying after being given a file with details of three unexplained cases of apparitions.