Plot: The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York -- also known as the Mother Court -- is the oldest district court in the nation, and the setting for the newest drama from the minds of Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers. Focusing on the lives and careers of the brand-new lawyers wor...
Plot: People's marquee daily live show brings viewers everything they missed this week in entertainment and celebrity news and real-life people stories.
Plot: Entertainment newsmagazines have been a staple for years. "OK! TV" evolved from a veteran of the genre: OK! magazine. It leverages content from that and sister publications Star and Soap Opera Digest. The half-hour show covers all types of events in the world of diversion, from fashion to celebrity...
Plot: CBS All Access is an American streaming video service owned and operated by CBS Interactive, a subsidiary of ViacomCBS. It offers original content, content newly aired on CBS's broadcast properties, and content from the ViacomCBS library. Wikipedia
Plot: This entrant in the crowded entertainment news-show genre features a trio of hosts -- Ross Mathews, Garcelle Beauvais and Tanner Thomason -- who discuss the latest trending topics from Hollywood and pop culture. All the usual suspects -- including celebrity interviews and red-carpet movie premieres...
Plot: This long-running entertainment-focused show is heavy on celebrity gossip and behind-the-scenes stories in Hollywood. A team of correspondents presents stories and celebrity interviews, all focused on the latest happenings in the entertainment industry. The show often features reports originating from...
Plot: Reese Hardin and Jacey Wyatt are the perfect Hollywood couple -- he's an action movie star, she's a beloved dramatic actress. They live together with their two children, Apache and Moonglow, in Malibu, Calif. However, their home life is complicated by the presence of Reese's 16-year-old rebellious...
Plot: The public's fascination with famous people defying Father Time is the premise of `Good Work'. TV personality RuPaul, plastic surgeon Dr Terry Dubrow and actress Sandra Vergara provide the inside dish on celebrity beauty secrets, cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. A special guest joins the round...