Plot: An extension of Bravo's "Watch What Happens" reunion specials and the original live online shows, this interactive series -- live on the East Coast -- is hosted by former Bravo programming executive Andy Cohen, who welcomes guests from some of the cable network's most popular series, as well as other...
Plot: Co-anchors report the morning's top headlines from a set in Times Square. The show features a combination of breaking news, interviews, in-depth reporting and weather. The program covers important issues with key figures from around the world and a wide spectrum of topics, including medicine, finance...
Plot: Each episode gives viewers an inside look at television, film and music, including interviews with each industry's biggest stars. Over the years, many celebrities have "broken their silence" regarding various scandals or tragedies with hosts and correspondents from "ET." In addition to covering breaking...
Plot: With his signature monologue and sharp newsy segments like "A Closer Look," Seth Meyers hilariously breaks down the day's biggest stories and takes the current political circus head-on. He then welcomes Hollywood's most beloved A-list guests, as well as people not seen anywhere else in late night,...
Plot: To find his true love and life partner, a bachelor dates a group of women, over several weeks, who compete in a series of challenges that are meant to prove their compatibility with him.
Plot: Actor, writer, producer and comedian James Corden engages in hilarious conversations with famous guests followed by comedy sketches and musical performances.
Plot: "Southern Charm" reveals a world of exclusivity, money and scandal dating back through generations of families in Charleston, S.C. The docuseries follows several Charleston singles as they pursue their personal and professional lives while trying to preserve their family names, because just one social...
Plot: The contestants who have featured on the previous seasons of 'The Bachelor' and 'The Bachelorette' get a chance to travel to a romantic destination and find love.
Plot: People's marquee daily live show brings viewers everything they missed this week in entertainment and celebrity news and real-life people stories.
Plot: Radio host and author Wendy Williams joins the daytime syndicated talk-show field, bringing her distinctive personality to television. In addition to celebrity interviews, regular segments include Hot Topics, which usually opens the show and features Williams giving her honest, opinionated and often...
Plot: The Survivor Series match is a professional wrestling elimination match held in the WWE. The match sees two teams pitted against each other, and as each member of the team is eliminated, the match continues until one entire team is eliminated. Wikipedia
Plot: "Entertainment Tonight Canada" is one of the nation's top entertainment programs, delivering in-depth and breaking celebrity, film, television and music news, both on-air and online. Together with celebrity news trailblazer "Entertainment Tonight," "ET Canada" delivers a popular hour of entertainment...
Plot: The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York -- also known as the Mother Court -- is the oldest district court in the nation, and the setting for the newest drama from the minds of Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers. Focusing on the lives and careers of the brand-new lawyers wor...