Plot: Akademi Fantasia is Malaysia's first reality television show in which a number of contestants called students compete for the winning title and a chance to start their career in the entertainment industry. The first season premiered on 3 June 2003 and was one of Astro Ria's highest rated shows. Wikipedia...
Plot: Young Imam was a Malaysian television series that commenced broadcasting in 2010. The show featured young men competing for a post as the imam of a mosque and a scholarship to study at the Islamic University of Madinah. Wikipedia
Plot: MeleTOP is a Malaysian television infotainment talk show and variety show aired weekly on Astro Ria. From its debut in 2012, it was hosted by the same two presenters, female host Neelofa, and male host Nabil Ahmad, until Neelofa left in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Khuzairi (Shukri Yahaya), silently loves a girl named Mia Adriana (Siti Saleha). Love at first sight makes him a loyal lover. But the arrogant and arrogant nature of this girl caused Khuzairi never even as big as a mite kept the dream to have it. Mia Adriana seems to have forgotten, this life is like...