Plot: MeleTOP is a Malaysian television infotainment talk show and variety show aired weekly on Astro Ria. From its debut in 2012, it was hosted by the same two presenters, female host Neelofa, and male host Nabil Ahmad, until Neelofa left in 2019. Wikipedia
Plot: Raja Lawak Astro is a Malaysian TV reality show that searches for comedic talent. It started broadcasting in early 2007. Every week contestants perform a joke according to the theme set on stage. They are judged to choose winners to proceed to the next round. Wikipedia
Plot: Betul ke Bohong? is a Malaysian game show-formatted comedy television program provided in the Astro satellite television network which is broadcast every Monday at 10pm on Astro Warna. Wikipedia
Plot: Oh My English! is a Malaysian educational comedy series which debuted on 20 May 2012, on Astro TVIQ. The series ended on 17 December 2017. Wikipedia