Plot: The SoulTaker is an anime series that focuses on seventeen-year-old Kyosuke Date who was killed by his mother Mio Date, and afterward gained the ability to turn into an incredibly powerful winged mutant known as "The SoulTaker" and that he has a long-lost twin sister named Runa, and that his past is...
Plot: The Japanese call them hikikomori-people who've become so withdrawn socially that they refuse to leave their homes for weeks and even months at a time. For Sasami Tsukuyomi, who's attempting to pass her first year of high school despite being a shut in, it's more than just a word. Fortunately though...
Plot: Metal Fighter Miku is a Japanese anime television series created by Hiroyuki Birukawa and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo. It was originally broadcast on TV Tokyo from July to September 1994 and animated by J.C.Staff, the studio's first television production. Wikipedia
Plot: Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko is a Japanese anime series based on a novel by Takashi ShÅji. It consists of two 3-episode OVA sets and a 26-episode television series animated by J.C.Staff and directed by Akiyuki Shinbo. The series was released in the United States by The Right Stuf International...
Plot: Bottle Fairy is an anime series about four fairies who discover the secrets of the world from inside their little house. The show originally aired from October to December 2003 on UHF syndication in Japan, and each episode has a run time of only 12 minutes. Wikipedia
Plot: Nicoletta travels to Italy from Japan to meet her estranged mother who she has not seen since she was a young child. Once there, Nicoletta becomes immersed working in her stepfather's restaurant and the lives of the other workers. Everything is fine so long as she does not reveal who she really is and...
Plot: And Yet the Town Moves, abbreviated as Soremachi, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masakazu Ishiguro. The manga ran in the monthly magazine Young King OURs from March 30, 2005, to October 28, 2016, and was collected into sixteen bound volumes in Japan. Wikipedia