Description: A defrocked priest with a dark past turns demon hunter to investigate some chilling deaths. Genre: Supernatural drama Year Released: 2003 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 7 First episode air date: May 31, 2003 Networks: BBC, BBC One
Plot: "Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams" is a 10-episode science-fiction anthology series that journeys into unique worlds beyond the reach of the imagination. Based on short stories written by Dick, each stand-alone episode is inspired by a different story, adapted by a team of leading British and American...
Plot: Based on Sarai Walker's best-selling novel of the same name, "Dietland" offers a darkly comedic look at the war of the sexes. The series explores a multitude of issues women face today -- including patriarchy, misogyny, rape culture and unrealistic beauty standards -- by following Plum Kettle's journey...
Plot: Colin Morgan plays the lead in this drama series as Nathan Appleby, a Victorian psychologist, while Charlotte Spencer stars as his young wife, Charlotte Appleby. Set in Somerset, England, in the year 1894, the story follows the couple as they stand to inherit the family estate when Nathan's mother passes...
Plot: In Los Alamos, New Mexico, a group of American scientists are trying to build the globe's first atomic bomb in the midst of WWII, while their kin are trying to survive the secrecy of the project.
Plot: Blind 20-something Murphy is drifting through life in a haze of drunkenness, and her only friends are her understanding roommate Jess and Tyson, a sweet teenager she met when he saved her from a violent mugging. Murphy's life is turned upside down when, while out for a walk with her guide dog, she stumbles...
Plot: During the budding drug epidemic in Los Angeles in the early 1980s, a crime family decides to make money selling cocaine. Meanwhile, a CIA operative also gets involved.
Plot: The line between cops and criminals is sometimes blurry. When human nature intercedes and a man is forced to take matters into his own hands, there's not a badge big enough that will stop him. Detroit homicide detective Frank Agnew is used to helping others, but he can't help himself when a loved one...
Plot: Due to unforeseeable circumstances, the Robinsons, a family of space colonists, crash-land on an unknown planet. Now, they must fight for survival and escape, despite the dangers surrounding them.
Plot: The crew of a spaceship embarks on an adventurous journey in outer space, four hundred years into the future, where they encounter various dangerous situations.
Plot: Conspiracy theorist Fox Mulder and realist Dana Scully pull out all the stops as FBI special agents to investigate and get to the bottom of inexplicable paranormal cases.
Plot: A former philosophy professor ends up teaching AP biology at a local high school. However, he uses this as an opportunity to get back at the people who have wronged him throughout his life.
Plot: Looking for any semblance of the idyllic middle-class existence he knew before his father's death and the family business collapsing, a charming, eternally optimistic ex-surfer named Dud stumbles into his life's new path. He finds himself on the doorstep of a rundown fraternal lodge, where a "Luminous...
Plot: This crime drama explores a unique type of criminal gang that is made up of the very men and women who are sworn to uphold the law. Only select police officers make the cut, and the gang members do whatever they can to protect one another from enemies -- both inside and outside of their ranks. The...
Plot: Matilda Gray, an ambitious musician and talented cellist, has her life suddenly turned upside down when her mother commits suicide. While going through her deceased mom's possessions, Gray finds an old box filled with newspaper cuttings about the disappearance of a young girl from a small Welsh village...
Plot: Freddy and Baba are a deadly duo, drawn together by violence and the dark past that haunts each of them. DS Lola Franks and DI Jackson Mendy are new partners thrown together to catch the killers before they strike again.
Plot: Three people, who have no connection to one another, slowly realize that they are all dreaming separate pieces of a common dream. Each is on a personal quest, and they use clues found in their collective dream to help them find the solutions to their mysteries, which include searching for a missing...
Plot: An ensemble comedy about an alien abductee support group revolves around a journalist's investigation of the members' supposed extraterrestrial experiences. As seasoned writer Ozzie Graham delves further into oddball claims made by members of StarCrossed, his initial skepticism begins to turn when he...
Plot: Moving between the real world and the virtually animated worlds, `Kiss Me First' is a thriller starring Tallulah Haddon as Leila. Leila stumbles across a secret paradise, hidden on the edges of her favourite game, where she meets Tess. Tess is Leila's polar opposite, and is impulsive and hedonistic....
Plot: `Rellik' unravels the obsessive hunt of DCI Gabriel Markham to find the serial killer who left the detective both physically and mentally scarred. Telling the tale backwards from the end, the story begins with the capture of the killer, and reverses from kill to kill to the very beginning of the murderer...
Plot: The Hastings family owns the only funeral home in the mysterious town of La Rochelle, Ga., which is known for its haunted houses, odd residents and unusual phenomena. La Rochelle is also considered a "landing patch" for some of the world's darkest manifestations of fear that are guided into the world...
Plot: While their men try to hone their gridiron talents on the field, the wives and girlfriends of pro football players sharpen their own skills behind the scenes when it comes to the power plays they have to use to get their guys the best agents, the best endorsements, the best merchandising deals -- even...
Plot: The first season of the American television drama series Mayans M.C. premiered on September 4, 2018 and concluded on November 6, 2018, after 10 episodes aired on cable network FX. Mayans M.C. is an American crime drama television series created by Kurt Sutter and Elgin James. Wikipedia
Plot: Set at the end of the 24th century, 18 years after the events of `Star Trek: Nemesis', with Sir Patrick Stewart reprising his iconic role, `Star Trek: Picard' revolves around retired admiral Jean-Luc Picard; he is still deeply affected by the loss of Lieutenant Commander Data, portrayed by Brent Spiner...
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, the last surviving humans discover a way of sending consciousness back through time, directly into people in the 21st century -- "travelers," who assume the lives of seemingly random people. They're also secretly working as teams to perform missions in order to save...
Plot: "The Looming Tower" traces the rising threat of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida in the late '90s and how a rivalry between the FBI and CIA during the time period may have inadvertently set the path for the attacks of 9/11. The series follows members of the I-49 Squad in New York and Alec Station in Washington...
Plot: `Collateral' is a four-part thriller set in London that takes place over four days. When a pizza delivery driver is shot down in South London, Detective Inspector Kip Glaspie, played by `Great Gatsby' star Carey Mulligan, is left in charge of the investigation and refuses to accept the murder as just...
Plot: Howard Silk, a low-level bureaucrat in an agency, is not in a good place in life. He discovers that the agency that employs him is a gateway to a new dimension.
Plot: A technological genius and an MIT graduate realise that an asteroid is approaching the Earth and will collide in six months. They team up and try to prevent the apocalyptic event from occurring.
Plot: Erica Shepherd was one of the CIA's most brilliant operatives until she became one of the greatest traitors in American history, serving a life sentence in a Supermax prison. Now, to save her daughter, she must team up with FBI agent Will Keaton -- a man whose life she destroyed -- to track down a fiercely...
Plot: A woman wakes up in a rowboat adrift on a river, but she has no memory of how she got there -- or even who she is. The search for her identity leads to the Geist Group, the mysterious wellness company behind the unorthodox Homecoming Initiative. Walter Cruz -- trying to build a new life after experiencing...
Plot: When refugees from a war-torn country start seeking asylum in a small American fishing town, it becomes clear that something strange is going on. The residents soon learn that the country they are fleeing from is America, and the war they are escaping hasn't happened yet. While the government sets to...
Plot: A team including Professor Lucy Preston, her bodyguard Wyatt Logan and engineer Rufus Carlin go back in time to capture Garcia Flynn after he steals a time machine to change American history.
Plot: Set during World War II, "The Terror: Infamy" centers on a series of bizarre deaths that haunt a Japanese American community, and a young man's journey to understand and combat the malevolent entity that is responsible. Chester Nakayama and his friends and family from Terminal Island, Calif., face...
Plot: Alex, a legitimate businessman, tries to evade his family's dark past. However, a murder exposes his family's mafia ties and he has to enter the world of crime to protect his loved ones.
Plot: On a mission aboard the Nightflyer, the most advanced ship ever built, a team of scientists embark on an expedition to make first contact with alien life. Set in the year 2093, their mission takes them beyond the edge of the solar system, farther than mankind has ever gone before. But when terrifying...
Plot: After a decade away from home, Liz Ortecho returns to her native Roswell to care for her ailing father. When she arrives, she reconnects with her high school crush Max Evans, who is now a police officer. Their chemistry is electric, but Liz soon learns something shocking: Max and his siblings are aliens...
Plot: "Dispatches From Elsewhere" is an anthology series from creator and star Jason Segal. The story centers around four ordinary people - Peter, Simone, Janice, and Fredwynn -- who are brought together by chance after they all respond to a flyer. Feeling as though something is missing in their lives, the...
Plot: Astronaut Niko Breckinridge is focused on searching the world for alien intelligence. She leads a crew that is on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact that has been found on Earth. As Breckinridge and her young crew investigate, they face unimaginable dangers on what may end up being...
Plot: Based on Kem Nunn's acclaimed novel, this provocative thriller follows Dr. Eldon Chance ("House" star Hugh Laurie), a San Francisco-based forensic neuropsychiatrist who has some skeletons in his closet. After being drawn into the crosshairs of an alluring patient who may or may not be struggling with...
Plot: Transitioning from his job as a CIA analyst in the U.S., cerebral officer Daniel Miller's new mission puts him under cover at the agency's Berlin branch, tasked with sorting out messy cases involving damaging leaks, whistle-blowers, terrorism and more. Mentored by jaded veteran officer Hector DeJean...
Plot: Cormoran Strike is a series of crime fiction novels written by British author J. K. Rowling, published under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The story chronicles the cases of private detective Cormoran Strike and his partner Robin Ellacott. Five novels in the series have so far been published. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Logan family is known for controlling the biggest media and entertainment company in the world. However, their world changes when their father steps down from the company.
Plot: A group of people who meet online have a manuscript that supposedly predicted the disasters of the previous century. This makes them the target of a clandestine organization.
Plot: Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy Martin Jones' life is blown apart in one tragic night, and he is forced into a deadly underground of cartel soldiers, yakuza assassins and mysterious vigilantes as his past sins close in on him.
Plot: Hundreds of years in the future, things are different than what we are used to after humans have colonized the solar system and Mars has become an independent military power. Rising tensions between Earth and Mars have put them on the brink of war. Against this backdrop, a hardened detective and a rogue...
Plot: The disappearance of former college acquaintance Chantal leads several 20-somethings to get entangled in the mystery of how she went missing. Leading the search party is Dory, a lifelong doormat who works as a rich housewife's assistant. Dory makes it her personal mission to find Chantal -- and she'...
Plot: More than 300 years in the future, society has been transformed by new technology, leading to human bodies being interchangeable and death no longer being permanent. Takeshi Kovacs is the only surviving soldier of a group of elite interstellar warriors who were defeated in an uprising against the new...