Plot: Sandokan is a 1976 Italian six-part television series directed by Sergio Sollima, based upon the novels of Emilio Salgari featuring the pirate hero Sandokan. It was followed twenty years later by a sequel The Return of Sandokan with Kabir Bedi reprising his role as Sandokan. Wikipedia
Plot: Tom Clancy's Op-Center is a novel series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, though the first 12 books were written by Jeff Rovin between 1995 and 2005. The four books in the series reboot from 2014 are written by Dick Couch, George Galdorisi and Jeff Rovin. Wikipedia
Plot: Sandokan is a 1976 Italian six-part television series directed by Sergio Sollima, based upon the novels of Emilio Salgari featuring the pirate hero Sandokan. It was followed twenty years later by a sequel The Return of Sandokan with Kabir Bedi reprising his role as Sandokan. Wikipedia
Plot: Archaeologist Desmond Jordan embarks on a quest to discover the location of the legendary `Talking Mountain' of the Sahara Desert and find the secret that it hides.
Plot: Charles Dickens' classic tale about an orphan boy who comes to London in search of his mysterious benefactor. The young Oliver is sucked into London's seedy underworld and falls into the clutches of Fagan and his young accomplices, including the irrepressible Artful Dodger.