Plot: Explorer Levison Wood is on a mission to cross the length of the Himalayas. Taking on the world's highest mountain range, 1,700 miles and extreme weather conditions prove to be a challenging but rewarding feat for Wood, as he experiences a trek few outsiders have tried. The journey takes Wood four...
Plot: A reality-based web series that follows an expedition crew of overlanders and outfitted vehicles through some of the most remote places of the world. Watch as the crew travels through Alaska and the Yukon territory on a six-week-long adventure.
Plot: Michael Portillo, presenter of `Great British Railway Journeys', `Great Continental Railway Journeys' and `Great American Railroad Journeys', embarks on an adventure to India to experience the country through its extensive railway system. Portillo brings along with him a copy of Bradshaw's "Handbook...
Plot: Photographer, writer and explorer Levison Wood embarks on an ambitious 1,800-mile trek. Beginning in the northeastern tip of Mexico, he walks the length of Central America, making his way to Colombia. He visits some of Earth's most spectacular sites as he journeys through eight countries, including...
Plot: Overland or Overland World Truck Expedition is the name of a documentary series of expeditions promoted and organized by Beppe Tenti. The documentaries are broadcast from 1996 on RAI 1, for a total of more than 150 episodes. From the thirteenth season Overland is also broadcast in high definition on...