Plot: `New Zealand: Earth's Mythical Islands' is a documentary narrated by actor Sam Neill. The miniseries captures the wildlife of New Zealand's remote island chain where nature has been left undisturbed since the age of the dinosaurs. Episodes reveal the exotic and ancient creatures that inhabit the mysterious...
Plot: Lifesense is a six-part nature documentary television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit, originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC1 in 1991. The series producer was John Downer and the narrator Andrew Sachs. Wikipedia
Plot: Follows a year in Alaska, and reveals the stories of pioneering Alaskans, both animal and human, as they battle the elements and reap the benefits of nature's seasonal gold rush.
Plot: This three-part miniseries, hosted by Kate Humble and Patrick Aryee, explores the wildlife of Yellowstone National Park throughout significant seasonal changes. The area's winters have always been harsh but in 2016 changes reached new levels, forcing the wildlife to adapt. Humble investigates the science...
Plot: Over six months, a team of biologists and specialist camera crew explore the length of South and Central America to find out how animals have adapted to life in the dark. The expedition starts in the jungles of Costa Rica where the team are after some of the most frightening nocturnal predators. Alone...
Plot: Our planet is teeming with myriad life forms, both plant and animal, all interlocked in a struggle for survival. As time goes on, some living things are forced to adapt and change to survive. This programme chronicles some of the most unusual, if not downright bizarre, behaviors that living organism...
Plot: This documentary reveals the extraordinary animals and remarkable people who make a home in the iconic mountain ranges of the world, the Rockies, Himalaya and Andes.
Plot: Wildlife expert Liz Bonnin, actor Freida Pinto and mountaineer Jon Gupta reveal the hidden wonders of India's surprising natural world. This is a land where the tea comes with added elephants, gibbons sing to greet the morning, and tigers dance.
Plot: Mexico is a larger country than often imagined, with the great chain of Sierra Madre mountains serving as its backbone. Along this range is an amazing diversity of life, from black bears and orchid bees to quetzals and clouds of monarch butterflies. This series will explore Mexico's astonishing wildlife...
Plot: Combining stunning photography, cinematography and compelling human drama, this documentary series uncovers the stories of people fighting to survive -- and even triumph -- in Earth's natural wonders. Filmed on six continents in 12 languages, viewers are transported to some of Earth's most extraordinary...
Plot: Gordon Buchanan tries to gain the trust of a herd of elephants in the wilds of Kenya, to film this uniquely intimate portrait of their family life.
Plot: Veteran broadcaster David Attenborough presents a wildlife series focusing on the natural history of Singapore. Once covered in lush, tropical rainforests, the island city-state has seen increased urbanization across its 63 islands which have pushed the wildlife to adaptation or retreat to the remaining...
Plot: Amazing series which captures life and landscapes through stunning photography. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar these fascinating countries have captivated people from around the world for centuries.
Plot: The creators of "Chef's Table" take to the streets in this half-hour series. "Street Food" brings viewers to some of the world's most vibrant cities, where the rich culture of street food is explored. From the hawker stalls of Singapore to the food carts of India, episodes highlight the stories of...
Plot: Actor Frank Grillo's filmography includes the MMA-centric flick "Warrior" and TV series "Kingdom," so it may not be surprising to learn that he has a passion for combat sports. In this docuseries, the fight enthusiast travels around the world, immersing himself in different fight cultures to understand...
Plot: From the frozen tundra in the north to the dry forests of the equator, Sir David Attenborough narrates a compelling view of the planet. "Planet Earth" was the first natural history documentary to be filmed in high definition, and now a decade later improved technology has made it possible to capture...
Plot: Actor James Norton narrates a series exploring America's iconic Wild West, known for its legends and synonymous with Hollywood productions. Miles of desert landscapes, redwood forests and extreme coastlines make up the topography, shaping the lives of the wildlife and inhabitants of the area. Filmed...