Plot: Die Cleveren is a German television series that was produced from 1998 to 2003 on RTL. It is about a nationwide special unit of the German Bundeskriminalamt, dealing with serial offenders. Wikipedia
Plot: Unser Lehrer Doktor Specht is a series of family author Kurt Bartsch, directors Werner Masten, Vera Loebner and Karin Hercher, shot starting in 1991 in Germany. The episodes had a length of 52 or 46 minutes. For subsequent repetitions of the episodes of the first season, the episodes were cut to about...
Plot: Benno Berghammer, chief inspector in Bad Tölz, still lives with his mother, but this does not prevent him from solving crime. With the help of his colleague Sabrina Lorenz, he manages to find the answers to every murder case that comes his way.
Plot: Siska is a German television series created by Herbert Reinecker and Helmut Ringelmann and broadcast since October 30, 1998 on the network ZDF. In France, the series was broadcast on France 3 and rebroadcast on 13th Street. Wikipedia
Plot: Die groÃen Kriminalfälle is a German documentary television series. It first aired in 2000, since then 41 episodes have been produced. Each episode is about one famous criminal case in German post-war history. Wikipedia
Plot: Arme Millionäre is an Austro-German comedy-drama television film series first aired on RTL on 22 August 2005. 12 episodes were aired between then and 2006. The series is about a billionaire family who suddenly find themselves poor. Wikipedia
Plot: Zwei Brüder is a German detective television series based on an idea by Felix Huby, who also wrote several screenplays. Eleven directors produced 17 episodes of 85-90 minute length for ZDF between 1994 and 2000. The music for the series was by Frank Langer and Wilbert Hirsch. Wikipedia
Plot: Eva Blond is a German television series that follows the detective Eva Blond and her colleague Alyans. It aired from 2002 to 2006 on Sat.1. Wikipedia