Plot: Everyday people battle a variety of trivia questions and a 40-foot wall for a chance to win up to $13.6 million. Each pair of deserving contestants, from siblings to spouses to best friends, has a plan to use the life-changing winnings for good things. But defeating the Wall is no easy feat. Executive...
Plot: The second book in a series that explores little-known history about Australia's fascinating past. Barney Bean is keen to make his fortune and he hears a secret; a sailor's secret about the treasure of the colony.But how can chasing whales make you rich? ... Google Books
Plot: `Public Enemies' is a three-part drama that explores the relationship between a prisoner who has recently been recent from prison and his probation officer. The prisoner, 28-year-old Eddie, is assigned to Paula after being released following 10 years of being locked up. But Paula doesn't have a clean...