Plot: The Voice Kids: Ahla Sawt is an Arabic TV series airing on MBC 1. It premiered on 2 January 2016. The three judges for the inaugural season were Tamer Hosny, Nancy Ajram and Kadim Al Sahir. There are four stages starting with the Blind Auditions. Contestants sing without being seen by the judges. Wikipedia...
Plot: Created by John de Mol, this televised talent show is the junior version of "The Voice" and part of `The Voice Kids' worldwide franchise. Emma Willis presents as children aged seven to 14 take to the stage to perform in front of a crowd of thousands, hoping to win the grand prize of cash and a family...
Plot: Beyaz Show is a popular talk show program hosted by Turkish television personality Beyazıt Ãztürk. It has been on air on Kanal D since December 1996. The program is among the highest rated television shows in Turkey. Wikipedia
Plot: Exathlon is a reality competition series where two teams of physically fit contestants compete against each other. Following the reality TV format the show has many parts that are planned ahead. Wikipedia
Plot: MasterChef Turkey is a Turkish competitive cooking game show based on the original British MasterChef. Its first season was broadcast on Show TV, but since 2018 it has been screened on TV8. Chefs Murat Bozok, Batuhan Piatti and Erol Kaynar served as the first season's judges, which was presented by...
Plot: The Red Room is set in a therapist office in Istanbul, where we see vulnerable women and men who pass through to get treatment and handle their traumas and problems. The events of the series revolve around a psychological clinic, and the stories and attitudes of a group of psychiatric patients who frequent...
Plot: O Ses Türkiye is a Turkish reality singing competition and local version of The Voice. It started on October 10, 2011. O Ses Türkiye is presented by Acun Ilıcalı. One of the important premises of the show is the quality of singing. Wikipedia
Plot: Celebrity contestants perform different songs under the mentorship and scrutiny of judges Simon Cowell, Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh to win a competition.