Plot: Weakest Link is a television game show which first appeared in the United Kingdom on BBC Two on 14 August 2000 and originally ended on 31 March 2012 when its host Anne Robinson completed her contract. The original British version of the show is still aired around the world on BBC Entertainment. Wikipedia...
Plot: Ãtopya is the Turkish version of the Dutch TV series Utopia, created by John de Mol. The series follows a group of people who attempt to maintain a society in a remote area. The format was bought by Acun Ilıcalı and his television Tv8 began airing Ãtopya on October 30, 2014....
Plot: Popstars was a short-lived reality music talent show that was broadcast on ITV in early 2001. It was the first UK series of the international Popstars franchise, and was billed as a documentary on the formation of a modern pop group. Wikipedia
Plot: Слабое звено is the Russian version of the game show The Weakest Link. It was first broadcast on September 25, 2001 on Channel One. Wikipedia
Plot: A hit dedicated to another Brill Building songwriter, a strong earworm penned for a cartoon combo - these numbers powered a midcentury music factory. A surreal and humiliating blend of "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire" and "Survivor," this quiz show pits eight contestants against one another as they answer...
Plot: Var mısın? Yok musun? is a Turkish adaptation of the game show Deal or No Deal. Produced by Acun Ilıcalı for Show TV, the show has been aired between September 10, 2007 and October 31, 2009 and in the second half of 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Families are Competing, a competition program broadcast in Turkey, continues to be broadcast on 360 TV every weekday, with the presentation of Asuman Krause, as of 28 June 2021. The format of the contest comes from the contest called Family Feud, which started in the USA in 1976 and is still ongoing...
Plot: Kim Milyoner Olmak Ä°ster? is a Turkish game show based on the original British format of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?. The program was broadcast from August 2, 2011. The main goal of the game is to win âº1,000,000 by answering 12 multiple-choice questions correctly. Wikipedia
Plot: Heikoin Lenkki is the Finnish version of the internationally recognized show The Weakest Link, which debuted on BBC Two in August 2000. It was hosted by journalist Kirsi Salo. It premiered in 2002, but after three years, the show was axed due to the host's pregnancy. Wikipedia
Plot: Belgian version of British quiz show "The Weakest Link". A group of contestants answer questions on a variety of subjects, with the entire group being awarded cash for each correct answer. At the end of each round, the group votes to remove one of the players ("The Weakest Link"), until only two are...
Plot: Der Schwächste fliegt! is the German version of the game show The Weakest Link, literally meaning The Weakest one flies. It was first broadcast on 19 March 2001, on RTL. The show premiered on weekdays at 15:00 and was hosted by Sonja Zietlow. Wikipedia