Plot: Svensson, Svensson is a Swedish sitcom. It has also been made into a feature film and a play. Two seasons consisting of 12 episodes each were broadcast in the autumn of 1994 and the autumn of 1996. They have since been repeated numerous times. The series was revived for a third season in 2007, and...
Plot: Lorry was a TV series that premiered on Swedish TV in 1989, broadcast from restaurant Lorry in Sundbyberg. In the ensemble were Peter Dalle, Johan Ulveson, Claes Månsson, Lena Endre, Gunnel Fred, Gunilla Röör, Suzanne Reuter, Ulla Skoog, Evamaria Björkström and Stefan Sauk. Wikipedia
Plot: In this show we get to know four friends. All of them struggling to keep their daily-life together. And one day a week they meet to keep abreast of each others lives.
Plot: Kvarteret Skatan is a Swedish comedy series consisting of short sketches based on different characters that appears in each episode. The series was broadcast on SVT for three seasons between 2003 and 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Xerxes is a TV series for children based in Sweden. It originally aired over Kanal 1 from 21 October to 27 November 1988. It was also broadcast in the UK on Channel 4. Wikipedia
Plot: Kaj is a cheat and a slacker. Luckily, he has a job as an estate agent and a wife who can support him. But all this comes to an end when he get sacked from work and thrown out of his home.