Plot: `Blue Eyes' is a Swedish political drama set in the run-up to a general election. As the election approaches a series of shocking events disrupts the nation. Suspected terror attacks include the ruthless murder of an extreme right-wing party's local representative, and the Justice Department's chief...
Plot: Varuhuset is a Swedish drama series that aired on SVT in 60 episodes between 19 March 1987 and 8 April 1989. Amongst the actors that appeared in the series were Görel Crona, Lena Endre, Sharon Dyall and Christina Schollin. The series was created by Peter Emanuel Falck. Wikipedia
Plot: Kvarteret Skatan is a Swedish comedy series consisting of short sketches based on different characters that appears in each episode. The series was broadcast on SVT for three seasons between 2003 and 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Rederiet was a Swedish soap opera that aired on Sveriges Television between August 1992 and April 2002. The cast featured many popular and renowned Swedish actors, and the show has often been referred to as Sweden's version of Dynasty. Wikipedia
Plot: Oskyldigt dömd is a Swedish drama television series from 2008. The first season was recorded in twelve episodes during February 2008 to be aired later during the fall. It premiered on the Finnish TV channel FST5 on 24 September 2008 and later the same evening on Swedish TV4. The series is produced...
Plot: Andra Avenyn is a Swedish drama series and soap opera, produced by SVT and broadcast from 2007 to 2010. Three series were produced. The show was created by Peter Emanuel Falck and Christian Wikander, who also created the Swedish soap operas Varuhuset, Rederiet and Tre kronor. Wikipedia
Plot: Skilda världar was a Swedish soap opera from 1996-2002 about two families in Stockholm and their friends. One rich family and one poor and about Daniel and Sandra who are from the two families and fall in love. Later in the series it is discovered that Daniel and Sandra are twins. Wikipedia
Plot: In a time of historical upheaval in Europe during the late 18th century, a former doctor becomes a police commissioner investigating crimes as well as the system in which he finds himself while experiencing a forbidden romantic attraction.
Plot: A Swedish series about a modest law firm in a rural town with lawyer Johan and his receptionist Annika at the center. Johan is a newly graduated stickler and Annika a single mom with vast human understanding. Despite their differences, the two take on the small cases in the town and discover unforeseen...
Plot: Sara and her friends spend the summer on a small island in the Gothenburg archipelago. They set out to investigate a mythical Mistress of the Sea, a secretive diving expedition, and the disappearance of Sara's mother, four years ago.
Plot: De drabbade is a 2003 Swedish TV series. It was partly inspired by the Danish TV-Series De udvalgde from 2001, but has even more been the inspiration for the American TV series Heroes. Wikipedia
Plot: Tusenbröder is a drama TV-series on Swedish Television in three seasons, from 2002, 2003 and 2006. The third installment of the series first opened on the big screen, March 10, 2006, edited together as one film, before later being shown on TV as a longer series. Wikipedia
Plot: Tre kronor was a Swedish soap opera that aired on TV4 during the period 1994â1999. The series took place in the fictional middle class suburb Mälarviken, located in the vicinity of Stockholm. Wikipedia
Plot: Cleo is a Swedish drama/comedy TV series in two seasons, each consisting of nine episodes. The series was broadcast on SVT, the first season in 2002 and the second in 2003. Directed by Svante Kettner and screenplay by Michael Hjorth, Tomas Tivemark and Johan Kindblom. Wikipedia