Plot: "Moonshiners" star Tim Smith gave up his outlaw liquor-making ways to establish a legal brand of whiskey, bringing his family recipes out of the backwoods of Virginia and into America's stores. Now, he wants to pass along a lifetime of moonshine expertise to pull struggling distilleries from the brink...
Plot: Moonshiners have been around in the U.S. since the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s. Surprisingly, there are still a number of Americans who make moonshine -- an illegally produced distilled beverage -- mainly in the Appalachian region of the country. This docuseries tells the stories of people who brew...
Plot: Moonshiners have been around in the U.S. since the Whiskey Rebellion of the 1790s. Surprisingly, there are still a number of Americans who make moonshine -- an illegally produced distilled beverage -- mainly in the Appalachian region of the country. This docuseries tells the stories of people who brew...
Plot: Survival experts Cody Lundin and Dave Canterbury take on the planet's most unforgiving terrain to demonstrate, in their own way, how the right skills and creative thinking can keep one alive.