Description: While in an elevator, ambushed contestants must answer as many questions as possible to win cash. Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Game-Show, Mystery Year Released: 1970 First episode air date: January 1, 1970 Network: Discovery Channel
Plot: A team of specialists help brides-to-be find their perfect wedding dress. Uncovers the lengths bridal consultants will go to in order to make each bride completely satisfied.
Plot: Primitive skills master Matt Graham ("Dual Survival") returns to Discovery Channel to see who has what it takes to survive in the wild. He invites other bushcrafters from across the country to compete head-to-head in grueling seven-day challenges. Each week, two survivalists test their skills in different...
Plot: Designers, carpenters and landscapers are brought into an unsuspecting homeowner's house while they're "out" to redecorate and reinvent all sorts of living spaces. There's an accomplice that keeps the other guest out of the house while the work is done and finds out all sorts of information to be used...
Plot: In "Guardians of the Glades," Discovery Channel spotlights Dusty "The Wildman" Crum's mission to save the Florida Everglades from an invasive breeding population of giant constrictors known as Burmese pythons. The reality series follows the snake hunter and his team as they take part in Florida's python...
Plot: When someone goes to jail, it's not just the imprisoned person who suffers, it's also the person's family who must deal with life without their husband, father, son or whatever the relationship is. This drama focuses on women and children who are dealing with family members who have been imprisoned...
Plot: Fueled in part by the proliferation of reality shows covering the collector-car industry, competition in the U.S. to locate and buy vintage automobiles is stiffer than ever. So why not venture outside the States and see what other countries have to offer in this trade? That's what Antonio Brunet and...
Plot: Fashion and beauty guru Kahlana Barfield Brown works with brides as they attempt to complete their dream wedding looks without breaking the bank.
Plot: Be careful who you work for. "Freak Encounters" lays that lesson on thick by staging run-ins with unexplained creatures. Ever see the Mothman while working for a highway crew, or how about coming into contact with the Bigfoot-like Genoskwa while filming a wildlife documentary? Each episode highlights...
Plot: U.S. waterways provide an abundance of resources used by many people to make a living, and the reality series "American River Renegades" documents a group of them and the work they do. From the ice-cold Yukon River and the muddy Mississippi to the great Pee Dee River in South Carolina down to the flooded...
Plot: Six contestants face off against each other in four rounds of general knowledge questions presented by host Bradley Walsh in order to win a cash prize.
Plot: In this offbeat game show, players picked up in the Cash Cab have to answer trivia questions with mounting cash values before they reach their destination in order to win. If a player answers incorrectly three times, he is kicked out of the cab without any money. Help options include a Mobile Shout...
Plot: RuPaul hosts this game show that tests contestants' entertainment IQs with questions about trending pop culture topics. The contestants don't have to rely on just their own knowledge to sėŗŽd in the game; they can turn to the show's celebrity panel for help when they're stumped. Later, each contestant...
Plot: This "Jeopardy"-like game show features Ben Stein as both a host and a contestant. During the second and third rounds of the game, Stein joins the game as a contestant as he tries to defend "his" money against the contestants by answering trivia questions.
Plot: Joe Motiki pedals around on his customized ice cream bike, looking for people who are in the mood for a cold treat ... but he doesn't have any ice cream, and the bike is just a gimmick. The unsuspecting would-be customers wander right into this food-based trivia game show and instantly become contestants...
Plot: Former "Extra" correspondent Jon Kelley hosts this comedy game show that features a panel of comedians interacting with two contestants, who have a chance to win cash if they can read between the lines of the comics' jokes. The contestants ask the comedians questions, to which the jokemakers give humorous...