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Momoiro Sisters
Description: The daily lives of two sisters, one an office worker and the other in high school. Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama Year Released: 1998 First episode air date: August 25, 1998
Plot: Dokkiri Doctor, also known as Startling Doctor or Dr. Dokkiri, is a manga series by Fujihiko Hosono, serialized from 1981 to 1982 in Weekly ShΓ nen Sunday. It was later adapted into a 27-episode anime television series by Pierrot, originally broadcast on Fuji TV from October 1998 to June 1999...
Plot: Generator Gawl is a 1998 12-episode anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and the Victor Company of Japan. The story is set in 2007, when Professor Takuma Nekasa uncovers a gene code that will unlock the human body's greatest mystery and expose mankind to its greatest threat. Wikipedia...
Plot: Nightwalker Γ’ The Midnight Detective is a late night anime TV series created by Ayana Itsuki that is adapted from a PC game titled Mayonaka no Tantei Nightwalker. Nightwalker incorporates elements of the horror, detective story and vampire genres, and is critically noted as a vampire...
Plot: Kurogane Communication is a Japanese manga series written by Hideo Kato and illustrated by Tomomasa Takuma. The individual chapters were originally serialized in Dengeki Daioh in 1997 and published in two tankΓ bon volume by MediaWorks. Wikipedia
Plot: Doki Doki School Hours is a Japanese four-panel manga series by Tamami Momose. The manga was serialized in Manga Life and published by Takeshobo from 1997 to 2013. An anime television series adaptation was animated by J.C.Staff and aired on TV Tokyo from April 4, 2004 to June 27, 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Combustible Campus Guardress is an anime original video animation. The project was created by Satoru Akahori, features the original character designs of Kazushi Hagiwara and Kazuchika Kise. Wikipedia
Plot: Haunted Junction is a comedy anime and manga series created by Nemu Mukudori. The manga was serialized in the monthly manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! by MediaWorks from 1996 to 2001. The anime, produced by Bandai Visual and Studio Deen, aired between 2 April 1997 and 25 June 1997. Wikipedia
Plot: Ehrgeiz is an original 1997 Japanese anime television series from et, with animation by Studio Deen, and produced by d-rights and BeStack. The title is a mix of Japanese and German. The North American release by Bandai Entertainment used only the German "Ehrgeiz" which, when translated into English...
Plot: A young Chinese woman named Kunyan finds herself subjected to a variety of bizarre, life-threatening situations. She must act quickly if she hopes to escape her plight in one piece.
Plot: DT Eightron is a 26 episode anime series by Sunrise Inc. It was adapted in a manga series written and illustrated by Iderou Hinoki in 1999. Wikipedia