Plot: Aesop World is an anime series by Sunrise Animation that aired on TV Tokyo. The series' characters include Picco, Tocho, and Fufu, three animals who aim to recover the mystical scales of a fish, Aesop - that way Aesop will be able to fly again. Wikipedia
Plot: Dokkiri Doctor, also known as Startling Doctor or Dr. Dokkiri, is a manga series by Fujihiko Hosono, serialized from 1981 to 1982 in Weekly ShÅnen Sunday. It was later adapted into a 27-episode anime television series by Pierrot, originally broadcast on Fuji TV from October 1998 to June 1999...
Plot: Nazca is an anime series created by Yoshihiko Inamoto. It is about a group of people who are reincarnations of ancient Inca warriors who have returned to re-enact a civil war that resulted in the fall of the Inca Empire. Wikipedia
Plot: Hazedon is a Japanese adventure anime series produced by Sunrise Studio. Its 26 episodes were aired in October 5, 1972 to March 29, 1973 on Fuji Television. It is the first series to be produced by Sunrise and last for a total of 26 episodes. Most of the show's episodes are split into two 11-minute...
Plot: Generator Gawl is a 1998 12-episode anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions and the Victor Company of Japan. The story is set in 2007, when Professor Takuma Nekasa uncovers a gene code that will unlock the human body's greatest mystery and expose mankind to its greatest threat. Wikipedia...
Plot: Miami Guns is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Takeaki Momose. The story takes place in Miami City, which is similar to Miami, Florida, except for several locale changes. It's mainly about the life of two female Miami City police officers having to stop crimes before they get worse...
Plot: Ginga HyÅryÅ« Vifam is a 1983 Mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. It was officially drafted by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Mobile Suit Gundam and planned by both Takeyuki Kanda and Hiroyuki Hoshiyama. It aired at both MBS and TBS from October 21, 1983 to September 8,...
Plot: Seraphim Call is a Japanese anime series by Sunrise from 1999. Seraphim Call may be considered avant-garde in several respects. For example: it is an anthology of individual stories while most other anime is serialized. Wikipedia
Plot: Alice SOS is a Japanese anime television series animated by J.C.Staff. It was broadcast every second week on NHK from April 6, 1998, until January 28, 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Choriki Robo Galatt is a comedy-science fiction anime series by Sunrise. It is also known as Super Robot Galatt and Change Robo Galatt. It consists of 25 episodes and was originally broadcast on the TV Asahi network as well as some Fuji TV, Nippon TV and TBS affiliate stations. Wikipedia
Plot: Ehrgeiz is an original 1997 Japanese anime television series from et, with animation by Studio Deen, and produced by d-rights and BeStack. The title is a mix of Japanese and German. The North American release by Bandai Entertainment used only the German "Ehrgeiz" which, when translated into English...
Plot: DT Eightron is a 26 episode anime series by Sunrise Inc. It was adapted in a manga series written and illustrated by Iderou Hinoki in 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Basara is a Japanese fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Yumi Tamura. The story takes place in a future Japan, reduced to a barren desert by a catastrophe at the end of the 21st century. Wikipedia