Plot: Pehmed ja karvased is an Estonian TV programme. The programme, partially inspired by the NTV programme of Kukly, uses a number of puppets to depict Estonian politicians, celebrities and metaphors, and features satirical discussion between these puppets. Wikipedia
Plot: Secrets is and Estonian television drama series created by Tuuli Roosma. Each story is made by different directors, such as Anri Rulkov, Arbo Tammiksaar, Rando Pettai, Marianne Kõrver, Ergo Kuld, Jan-Erik Nõgisto, Rain Tolk. Show recovers the Estonian people relationship dramas and scandals....
Plot: Rakett69 is an Estonian science competition show, broadcast by Estonian Television and funded by the Estonian Research Council. European Broadcasting Union elected "Rakett69" as best educational TV show in Europe in spring 2012. It also won Estonian Science Communication Award in the same year. Wikipedia...