Plot: The work and lives of an ambulance brigade. Brigae 3 is centered on an ambulance brigade consisting of three people who dedicate themselves in saving people's lives. Toomas, an ex-surgeon who has lost his ability to work as a surgeon after a car-accident, is teamed up with a previous car-racer Anti...
Plot: Pehmed ja karvased is an Estonian TV programme. The programme, partially inspired by the NTV programme of Kukly, uses a number of puppets to depict Estonian politicians, celebrities and metaphors, and features satirical discussion between these puppets. Wikipedia
Plot: Ãhikarotid is an Estonian teen drama TV series that airs on Kanal 2. The series first aired on 8 March 2010. It's written by Martin Algus and produced by Tuuli Roosma. It's about students from different Estonian locations who spend their time in a student's dormitory in Tallinn. Wikipedia
Plot: Secrets is and Estonian television drama series created by Tuuli Roosma. Each story is made by different directors, such as Anri Rulkov, Arbo Tammiksaar, Rando Pettai, Marianne Kõrver, Ergo Kuld, Jan-Erik Nõgisto, Rain Tolk. Show recovers the Estonian people relationship dramas and scandals....