Plot: Todome no Kiss is a 2018 Japanese television drama, starring Kento Yamazaki, Mugi Kadowaki, Mackenyu, Yuko Araki, Jun Shison and Masaki Suda. It airs on every Sundays at 22:30 on NTV from January 7, 2018. A short series titled Todome no Parallel is distributed exclusively via Hulu. Wikipedia
Plot: Joker: Yurusarezaru SÅsakan is a 2010 Japanese crime drama television series developed by Hideaki Tatematsu and Masaru Åta from Fuji TV and Kyodo Television respectively. Wikipedia
Plot: Nakanai to Kimeta Hi is a Japanese television drama series premiered on Fuji TV network on 26 January 2010, starring Nana Eikura in the lead role. The 1st episode and the last episode are 69 minutes long. Wikipedia
Plot: A 19-year-old girl burdened by a cruel destiny, a mother tormented by a tragic past, and a 41-year-old man living in atonement, and a relationship that brings strength in dark times. 'Iki mo Dekinai Natsu' is as much a social drama as it is a story about friendship, parents and children, and about what...
Plot: Wonderful Life is a 2005 South Korean television series starring Kim Jaewon, Eugene, Lee Ji-hoon, Han Eun-jung and Jung Da-bin. It aired on MBC from March 7 to April 26, 2005 on Mondays and Tuesdays at 21:55 for 16 episodes. Wikipedia
Plot: Ishihara plays a new 20-year-old OL working in the apparel company of her dreams. Her father, played by Tokito, loves his daughter excessively to the point that he compels her to follow his house rules: 7:00pm curfew, no socializing with the opposite sex. Nevertheless, she falls in love with her colleague...