Plot: A girl who lost her family and became separated from society can no longer figure out a way to live. The story begins when she meets an old woman. Deception and betrayal have hardened them to the point of no longer being able to believe in people.
Plot: Koinaka is a Japanese television drama series premiered on Fuji TV from July 20, 2015 on Mondays at 21:00. It was directed by Hiro Kanai and ShÅgo Miyaki, both of whom directed Summer Nude in 2013. The screenplay was written by Sayaka Kuwamura who is a screenwriter of the live-action version...
Plot: A cold-case profiler in 2015 and a detective in 1989 work together to solve a series of related murders spanning three decades using a special walkie-talkie to communicate with each other.
Plot: Zettai Reido is a Japanese police procedural television drama. The first season, subtitled Mikaiketsu Jiken Tokumei SÅsa, was set in a fictional version of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department division that specializes in investigating cold cases, which is based on an actual division established...
Plot: Okusama wa Toriatsukai Chui: Those who dream of becoming a fabulous yet low-key housewife would envy thirty-year-old Nami. She marries and moves to an upscale neighborhood. Things are smooth-sailing and she has everything she needs. Or so it seems.
Plot: Belgian crime series that follows the story of Guy Beranger, a convicted child killer who has been released from prison after serving a 20 year sentence. Upon leaving jail, Beranger travels to the small village of Vielsart in the Ardennes to seek refuge in a monastery, and he is placed under the watchful...