Plot: Melanie Sykes presents while Michelin-starred chef Marco Pierre White judges this cookery competition that has a poker twist. Each episode features four amateur chefs who compete for a £2,500 cash prize. In order to win, the contestants take part in three cooking challenges set in the `Humble Pie...
Plot: In the highly competitive New York restaurant world, sometimes the stress is enough to kill your appetite, as several teams of chefs are tested in a series of challenges for a shot at the grand prize: opening their very own Manhattan restaurant. Chef Marco Pierre White hosts.
Plot: Chef Peter Kuruvita explores the beautiful areas of the Cook Islands. He learns how to spearfish and hunt mud crabs by traditional means, before cooking his final meal.
Plot: A partly cultural and partly cooking show, hosted by chef Sean Connolly who brings light to the lives and cooking traditions of Australian immigrants and their families
Plot: Prolific British chef Jamie Oliver hits the road in this programme, travelling across Britain to find what makes the nation's food great. His goal? To come up with new ideas and inspiration to create his own versions of British classics -- with a twist. In addition, he discovers that some of Britain...
Plot: Gordon Ramsay, Gino D'Acampo and Fred Sirieix go on a European road trip to their homelands and each of them prepares an exciting tour for the other two.
Plot: The host, Kiran Jethwa, a celebrity chef and food adventurer, visits different countries to discover fascinating ingredients and use them to prepare delicious food items.
Plot: Kitchen Burnout is a British cookery reality show airing on ITV, and was created by ITV Studios, which features prospective chefs competing with each other for a final prize. The series aired in April 2010, presented by Marco Pierre White. The programme did not return for a second series due to poor...
Plot: Top Australian chefs judge passionate home cooks who participate in competitive culinary challenges to develop their cooking skills and win the title of the best chef.
Plot: Eighteen aspiring chefs are split into two groups by celebrity chef and judge Gordon Ramsay and are given a host of cooking challenges to attempt and win the grand prize.