Plot: The End is a 2020 Egyptian Sci-fi television drama series which premiered on ON E Network. The series was written by Amr Samir Atef and produced by Synergy Productions. It is directed by Yasser Sami. It stars Youssef El Sherif, Nahed El Sebai, Sahar El Sayegh, Ahmed Wafik, Amr Abdelgelil. Wikipedia
Plot: Bab Al-Hara is one of the most popular television series in the Arab world, watched by tens of millions of people from "poverty-stricken Gaza to the opulent cities of the Persian Gulf." Wikipedia
Plot: FERAL is an audio/visual piece based on the book by, and featuring, George Monbiot and explores themes of rewilding, ecological crisis and human loss of connection with the natural world. The project is based on a collaboratively devised screenplay by Composer Hollie Harding and choreographer and director...
Plot: Omar or Omar Farouk is a historical Arab television drama miniseries-serial that was produced and broadcast by MBC1 and directed by the Syrian director Hatem Ali. Wikipedia
Plot: Young Cinderella, struggling with abuse from her stepmother and stepsisters, receives help from her fairy godmother and animal friends while finding adventure and romance with a dashing man who hides the fact that he is a prince.
Plot: Kalabsh is a 2017 Egyptian drama and suspense TV-Series directed by Peter Mimy and starring Amir Karara in the role of Sleim El-Ansary, a most confident and honest policeman. The series is based on a story written by Yousef Hasan Yousef, then dramatized and scripted by Baher Dewidar. Wikipedia
Plot: Young Cinderella, struggling with abuse from her stepmother and stepsisters, receives help from her fairy godmother and animal friends while finding adventure and romance with a dashing man who hides the fact that he is a prince.
Plot: Al Ostoura is an Egyptian TV-Series that was aired during Ramadan on the 6th of June 2016 on MBC Masr. Al Ostoura is derived from an Arabic word, which means "The Legend". The series stars Mohamed Ramadan, who played the role of two brothers; Rifaa'i Al Disouqi, and Nasser Al Disouqi. Wikipedia